Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mission (Not?) Accomplished

Today is the five-year anniversary of President Bush's landing on the deck of the Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln and speaking to the troops with the infamous "Mission Accomplished" sign in the background, declaring that major combat hostilities in Iraq had ceased.

I recall thinking at the time that "this is not a good thing." Seeing the civilian leader of the country dressed in a Navy flight suit, crash helmet under his arm, not only blurred the line between the civilian and military sectors in our government -- something that the founding fathers intended to be clearly separate -- but it only made his inbred Texas swagger that much more evident.

I can't say that war and violence are never necessary, but I can say that (the Bible says that) pride precedes a fall. I wish somehow the president's victory lap around the Lincoln's deck might have been replaced with a face-on-the-deck prostration, asking God for mercy and grace to be poured out on the Iraqi people, and humility and servant-leadership on ourselves. Swagger is a scary thing. (I should know, having swaggered a time or two in my life.)

[Disclosure: the White House has maintained for five years that the "Mission Accomplished" banner was put up by the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln personnel and referred only to their role in the attacks on Iraq, not the U.S.'s overall role. The WH has also acknowledged that they should have been more careful about the message the sign delivered since they knew about it before the event. And they certainly knew about the plan for the president to arrive on the carrier in a Navy jet. The president is the president. That day -- its events and impressions -- could have been different.]

1 comment:

  1. Hey William,

    Ah-h, it makes us wish we could re-write the script, taking the swagger out of our words and deeds! Still, since the garden of Eden, our tendancy is to justify, rather than confess and ask for forgiveness. Thousands of years later, one would think we would have progressed and learned by now (so much for the evolution theory!). There is probably enough, in each of our lives, to cause us to lay prostrate before the Lord this very moment, repenting, receiving His forgiveness, interceding with *Him for our families, friends...and leaders.

    The day is young and it's not too late (smile). Blessings, in Jesus name, we pray...P.

    *Romans 8:34
