Here are the chard seed-flowers the bees visit (not the sharpest image):
And here's what the bees are collecting—yellow pollen:
From the underside:
In these next three photos, note the different markings on the backs of all three of these bees—all distinctly different patterns. Male/female? Different species? (I won't even mention the obvious beauty of those translucent wings.)
And the ubiquitous lizards are there, silent but deadly. I saw this one waiting patiently for a bee or other no-see-um to fly by. I saw him lunge a couple of times, but he didn't connect. But given his healthy look, he must get his fair share:
This big guy (girl?) is definitely a see-um size. I've started seeing him in my back yard early in the mornings of late. Since I don't use weed-control chemicals on the yard, I have a healthy buffet of great variety that he seems to enjoy. He lives in a large thicket behind my house. Here he seems to have selected a dandelion leaf: "Excellent choice, sir!"