Friday, May 11, 2012

Who Needs Eggs?

Friday supper: tofu scramble with chopped garlic and onions, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, Tofurkey sausage, turmeric for the yellow, and a healthy dose of iron from the big skillet. (Thanks to Daniel for guidance on this dish.)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama: "Philosophically Confused"

"Barack Obama is an ethical man and a philosophically confused man," said Peruvian congresswoman Martha Chavez of the conservative Catholic Opus Dei movement. "He knows that marriage isn't an issue only of traditions or of religious beliefs. Marriage is a natural institution that supports the union of two people of different sexes because it has a procreative function." (Link)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Problem with a Narcissistic President

Victor Davis Hanson's piece is here. His conclusion is scary: "The problem with a narcissistic president is not just that he sees the world as all about himself, but that the world soon sees that it is not about him at all."

'Nuff Said

I took this picture yesterday at a gas/convenience store near where I live.


Correlate the above offering with this graph, published this week in connection with the CDC's estimate of future obesity rates in the U.S.: