Thursday, October 2, 2008


TED (stands for Technology, Education, Design) is an annual, invitation-only conference of the best and brightest thinkers in technology, education, and design. I have a DVD of the TED conference from 2006 -- mind-boggling to watch these speakers, using their 18 minutes to tell the other attendees what they are working on. Cash prizes to further that research are awarded to the best.

This was one of the presentations on creativity in children (many more of the 18-minute videos, on a variety of subjects, at the TED website):

This one is a Swedish researcher who uses an amazing presentation of data on child mortality around the world. The audience was blown away by his presentation:

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your Bank's Stability

Go here to get a rating on your bank's financial condition. Very detailed information.

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What About Cancer-Preventing Foods?

Tour de France legend and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong, as part of his Livestrong war on cancer, has challenged McCain and Obama to list three things they would do to lessen the impact of cancer if elected to the presidency. Their answers are brief and pointed, but focus mainly on doing more of what's been done in the past: more money, more research, more accessible healthcare, etc. McCain makes a brief reference to "healthy living" which is commendable. (Yet see the previous post below on what McCain keeps in the 'fridge on his tour bus, and his overall eating habits. His idea of "healthy living" is not that healthy.) But it's clear these two have no more creative ideas than trying to improve what has been done in the past. 

The new DVD, Healing Cancer from Inside Out, makes it clear that in spite of billions of dollars spent over recent decades, cancer still has the upper hand. There was definitely not "one American death per minute" (as Armstrong notes) in 1900 as there is today. From that perspective, we are in worse condition now than before the billions were spent. As books like Dr. Colin Campbell's The China Study point out, the first line of defense against cancer, and the most potent weapon against reversing it, is an immune system made strong by the cancer-fighting properties of plants. 

From the national level, regardless of which of the two is elected, we're in for more of the same:

UPDATE: I removed the embedded video because of the IRRITATING fact that it plays automatically every time you log onto my blog. To watch the video you can click on the title line of this post above.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

The Health of the Candidates

In his latest Newsletter, Dr. John McDougall does a thorough, detailed analysis of the current diet and health status of the two presidential candidates. One is in good shape and the other is not.

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