Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eye Candy

Irresistible photos from the last couple of days:

First, a shot of Canon's professionals' gear room at the London Olympics—shelves of massive Canon telephoto lenses, smaller lenses, and DSLR cameras. Neither the C/NET article where I saw the pics, nor the Flickr account of the photographer (Gerard McGovern of Getty Images), explained the purpose of this treasure trove. Does Canon sell or rent this equipment to photographers? Don't know—I'd just like some nice Canon person to drop a 1D X and their biggest lens in a box and ship it to North Carolina. Really—would they miss them?

Canon London 2012 Olympic office

Canon London 2012 Olympic office

Canon London 2012 Olympic office

From cameras to craftsmanship of a different kind—is this the coolest use of space you've ever seen? Note especially the drawers built into the kickplates on the three steps on the right. (I can't remember where I found this picture. If it's yours, let me know so I can give you credit.)


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