Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cancers that Go Away

Thanks to Daniel for the heads-up on this interesting NYT article: "Cancers Can Vanish Without Treatment, but How?"

A recent JAMA article reported on the phenomenon of cancers going into remission, disappearing, or not growing—without intervention. The question is, "Why?" Cancer is no longer a death sentence in the world of the AMA. Many in the alternative medicine world have always thought that but it seems the scientists are becoming more aware of the variables that can impact cancer and its progress or remission.

But here is an important warning from the article: "Cancer cells and precancerous cells are so common that nearly everyone by middle age or old age is riddled with them, said Thea Tisty, a professor of pathology at the University of California, San Francisco." Reminds me of a statement a doctor friend made to me many years ago: "The fact is, if we lived long enough we would all die of some sort of cancer." I don't believe that now, but the idea that our bodies are full of actual and potential cancer cells is an agreed-upon thesis. All the more reason to maintain an "inner terrain" that is inhospitable to cancer growth: an alkaline pH, reduced stress, detoxing, etc.

What this article says to me is that some conventional doctors are agreeing that there are more variables in the cancer equation than previously thought. Hopefully they'll make their way to Dr. Colin Campbell's The China Study to learn more about the nutritional variables that can turn cancer on and off.

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