Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fresh, the Movie

On the heels of the recently-released movie, Food, Inc., comes another movie about the place of food in our culture. This one is called Fresh and is to be released in September. It features many of the same players that all these movies do (Salatin, Pollan, et al), but that's fine -- repetition is needed to rise above the competing noise in the marketplace. Here's the trailer:

1 comment:

  1. Hello! FRESH is already released, but we're following a very different distribution model and instead of putting the film in theaters, we're selling screening licenses for activists to host their OWN screenings and bring their communities together to discuss what can be done in the neighborhood to help move towards a more sustainable food system. You can learn more about hosting your own screening at


    Lisa Madison
    Distribution & Outreach Coordinator
