Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bees, Berries, Bikes, and Brandywines

The bees love the mint that is flowering and going to seed in a container on the front sidewalk:


Okay, these aren't berries, but it was the only "B" word that would work in the title of the post. They are a colorful assortment of "cherry" tomatoes from this week's CSA share. Such beautiful colors and shapes. The large, round purple ones are the best-tasting cherry tomatoes I've ever eaten. (There were more of these but I'd already inhaled them before I took the picture.) It's such a delight to stand at the counter when I get home with my CSA box and sample all these different varieties, noting the subtle differences in texture and flavor:


Did a 33+ mile ride this morning with Sammy Koenigsberg (my CSA farmer) and his friend, Scott. Scott is on the left and Sammy on the right:


I know, I need a haircut. Note the Road ID bracelet on my right-hand wrist. It has my name and blood type for emergency use, then an 800 number and web site address where emergency responders can go to get complete information on me should I be, ahem, unresponsive after a crash.


Some nice heirloom Brandywines that are looking strong. This is actually two plants that seeded right next to each other in the seeding tray and I didn't have the heart to thin them so planted them both in the same hole:



1 comment:

  1. Man! Those cherry tomatoes do look wonderful. The bike ride looks like fun. Nice long ride.
    It's a new world when grandads do 30+!
    Vive la grandpapa or something.
