Monday, May 18, 2009

Kruidenier Coat-of-Arms

Crest cropped

My neighbor, John, prepared a .jpg image for me of the Kruidenier coat-of-arms that I received from my father. (Thanks, John!) After posting it to the Kruidenier Family Group on Facebook, Sebes Kruidenier (Netherlands) wrote the following:

William - this is indeed the coat of arms of the Kruidenier family.

From a footnote from the "official" Kruidenier geneaology book:

"This is a 19th century wax print from a collection, that the Mayor of West- and East-Souburg (named Kruidenier) started using in 1941 as coat of arms for the Kruidenier family."

So unfortunately not an ancient registry, but claimed in Worldwar II.

Cheers. Sebes.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting note. Bummer regarding the relative contemporaneity of the coat's relation to Kruideniers. Still cool though.
