Friday, May 1, 2009

Hipocritical Hippocratics

It was Hippocrates (460-377 B.C), Greek physician and so-called "father of modern medicine," who said, "Let food be thy medicine." Obviously, modern doctors who take the Hippocratic Oath upon graduation from medical school have revised the good doctor's dictum to read, "Let drugs be thy medicine."

In his current newsletter, Dr John McDougall tells the story of his own attempts to integrate nutritional therapies into the hospitals where he worked as a young physician, and the opposition he faced from administrators and insurers in spite of the success he was having. Simply put, there is no money to be made from nutritional therapy compared to drugs and surgery. He ultimately left "organized medicine" and became one of the leading (and most creative and successful) voices for plant-based diets for preventing and reversing disease. I encourage you to take 10 minutes and read his story.

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