Friday, March 27, 2009

England's Ron Paul

England's Daniel Hannan is an MEP (member of the English Parliament) who is being called "England's Ron Paul." He speaks with the eloquence of Alan Keyes and the fiscal sanity of Ron Paul. (Of course, these Brits could read the phone book with their refined speech and accent and we would love it, but in this case there is substance to accompany the style.) Here he takes on England's Prime Minister in a March 26, 2009 (yesterday) speech in the European Parliament: (Background: the current prime minister of England is Gordon Brown who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer, equivalent to the U.S. Sec'y of Treasury, under the previous P.M. Tony Blair. Therefore, Brown comes under attack here for years of bad policy, first in the Treasury and now as Prime Minister.)

Added later: I've just watched this video again and am just amazed at Hannan's eloquence as an orator -- a typically British trait. Watch how he draws on England's proud maritime tradition of having once ruled the oceans in her sailing ships, as a metaphor for England's leaky and sinking economy. Compare this oratical ability to speak from notes (Hannan appears to have notes in front of him) to the fact that president Obama used a wide-screen television as a teleprompter this past Tuesday night at his prime-time press conference! Granted, oratory is not the same as governing, but it sure builds confidence and gets the attention of listeners.

To get a similar perspective on the idea that debt can be fixed by more debt (the Obama plan), listen to legendary investor Jim Rogers as he takes on one of the talking heads at FoxNews this week. He can't find one thing that Geithner and Bernanke have done right so far in the current crisis. Use this link to see the video.

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