Friday, June 13, 2008

From 107 Minutus to 60 Seconds

Most people won't sit through the entire 107-minute playback of Steve Jobs' WWDC roll-out of the new Apple iPhone. But here's a pretty slick 60-second edit of the entire presentation. (Be sure to play through the credits to the end to see the legendary Jobs hyperbole machine in action.)

The downside of the new 3G iPhones (upon reflection) are that they didn't upgrade the camera -- still a 2 megapixel camera, way behind other leading phones. And the mandatory two-year contract rate was increased from $60 to $70 a month via AT&T. You have to sign up for that contract when you buy a phone which prevents the hacking done on the initial iPhone to use it with less expensive carrier plans. The $10 increase per month in the plan works out to an extra $240 over a 24-month contract period.

SO, the new $199 price for the phone looks great, but realize you'll pay an extra $240 for the privilege over a two-year contract, making the REAL cost of the new 3G phone $200 + $240 = $440 over two years.


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