Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hillary, Heal Thyself

In 1994, new president Bill Clinton assigned the task of revising America's healthcare system to first-spouse Hillary. Her efforts were a huge failure and it was all much ado about nothing. (Given her first failed attempt at fixing America's disease-care system, I'm not sure I'd be willing to entrust her with the task again as president -- but I digress.)

When Hillary began her efforts in 1994, Hallelujah Acres founder and president George Malkmus wrote Hillary a long letter with some observations on our nation's health situation and some recommended solutions. Sadly, the letter is as relevant today as it was nearly 15 years ago -- i.e., little has changed. Malkmus republished the letter in today's Hallelujah Acres Health Tip #543 (scroll down to point #4) with a few editorial updates indicated in the letter. It is a timely and instructive read. (You can subscribe to the weekly Health Tip email newsletter on their home page, upper right corner, and Hallelujah Acres' free Diet and Lifestyle Magazine here.)

(Full disclosure: Hallelujah Acres promotes a vegan (plant based), mostly-raw diet and lifestyle from a biblical perspective. But they are encouraging and realistic about what it takes to transition to a healthier lifestyle, and therefore have a graceful, generous attitude toward all who are seeking better health. Even if you're not a vegan and don't want to be, you will learn much from the e-newsletter and magazine.)

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