Monday, December 14, 2009

Looking Better All the Time

This is a Flash-based interactive summary of a number of different polls (red dots = the "Oppose" numbers from a particular poll, the blue dots the "Favor" numbers). Hold your cursor over any dot to see which poll it represents. The solid lines represent a summary of all the polls. Roll your cursor over the opposite extremes of the x-axis (the dates line) to adjust the dates. Because this is Flash-based, the numbers will change as new poll results are added to the graph at

12-15-09 addendum: With only 38.5% of the nation currently favoring the Obama healthcare proposals, why are 60+% of senators apparently prepared to vote for the Senate version of the bill (with Joe Lieberman's capitulation this morning)? I realize the purpose of a republic is to put elected representatives in place as a buffer between true democracy (mob rule) and ultimate legislation. But shouldn't the percentage of the public's opinion and the percentage of senators voting a certain way be closer than 38.5% vs. 60+%? It would appear that not many senators are listening to their constituents.

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