Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Swine Flu

I hope no one who reads this is planning to take the swine flu vaccine. I have resisted posting the huge amount of information available concerning the potential dangers of this vaccine, but since the government began making the vaccine available yesterday, millions of people are going to begin lining up to inhale the vaccine or receive a shot.

Rev. George Malkmus of Hallelujah Acres has written extensively about the dangers of the vaccine, but in this article addresses the question of mandatory vaccinations—what is the possibility of the government mandating vaccinations and how should we respond? I encourage you to read his article. (Fair warning: Rev. Malkmus is a very conservative Christian minister and health researcher. If you don't like the news-source affiliations he mentions in the article, fine. Don't shoot the messenger—focus on the message.)

Many younger folks don't know or remember that there was a "swine flu epidemic" fear and vaccination program in 1976, very much like the present program. 60 Minutes (how I miss Mike Wallace!) did a show exposing the shoddy job done by the CDC with that vaccine and documenting the thousands of people who were injured by it. That 60 Minutes broadcast aired one time and, as I understand it, has never been aired again. (Hmmmm . . . .)

I encourage you to watch it -- it may give you second thoughts about this current vaccination campaign:

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