Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wilbur, Dogue de Bordeaux

A couple of quick pics of Wilbur, Sammy Koenigsburg's French Mastiff (dogue de Bordeaux). He's the sweetest thing you ever saw—loves to come right up for a scratch-'n-rub as long as you're willing to indulge him. Don't know if he would provide a barrier to intruders, but I wouldn't want to find out. Without a reference point in these pics, it's hard to get a feel for his size. He is HUGE:



The chickens roam around oblivious to Wilbur's looming presence:


1 comment:

  1. These doggie pics are great! Reside in VA, but recently bought a Dougue De Bordeaux in TN. Signed up for a google alert on the breed just prior to stay current on info, your blog popped up today. Thanks for posting!
    Mine (Kiwi Merlot) is only 9.5 wks at this point, I see where she headed :-)
