Friday, July 3, 2009

Baby Birds

Discovered a bird's next in a tall evergreen shrub next to the house. Think how many individual items it took to weave that nest! Looks like two have hatched and one to go:




  1. Wow, are those baby robins? Lucky you, we'd love to observe these chicks grow! Please take lots of pictures for us.
    love, Jen

  2. Not sure -- I've never seen Mom close up -- just have seen/heard a blur leaving the shrub when I first began passing by before I knew there was a nest. Are robins' eggs blue? Not sure -- I hope they make it so I can watch them grow and get more pics.

  3. Looking at the remaining egg again, it does look blue! (Hadn't really noticed.) So maybe it is a robin's egg. I'll keep you posted.
