Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stained Reputation

Back on one of the hottest days of the summer when I was riding my bike far from home, I had a flat tire. My tire had worn through and popped the tube which meant if I replaced the tube with my spare the same thing would happen quickly. So when a young guy stopped to see if I needed a ride into Waxhaw, I jumped at the chance. He dropped me at the local bike shop where I bought a used tire that would get me home.

All that to say -- the young fellow was a handyman type who I hired to bang together the book cases I've needed to build for a couple of years. (I had built and installed six bookcases a couple years ago, and have eight more to finish now.) That was a couple of months ago, and I'm finally getting around to staining them. The cases are stained, but need to flip the shelves tomorrow and stain the other sides, then let everything dry before applying polyurethane finish to everything.

Another picture will come when they're installed -- but glad to have gotten this far:

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  1. WOW, those look beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product. love, Jen

  2. Hey there, mi amigo...

    Have been meaning to tell you, I love the color of the stain you chose for your bookcases. What did you use? It's beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos.

