Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cool Kid

A friend sent a link to this story -- there are many of these out there, stories of people with handicaps who achieve great things. But this one had a great video available and it's about a tough little eight-year-old guy. Adam Bender had one leg removed due to cancer when he was one year old but is now a standout catcher on his Little League baseball team. In a game he mostly uses his crutches once he gets on base -- functions on one leg the rest of the time. A good reminder of what's possible and why there's no whining in baseball (and shouldn't be any in life). This is a cool kid. (If you have, or have access to, kids of your own, show them this video.)

I linked above (in the title) to the Lexington, Kentucky, news web site where the video and an audio interview with his parents are if you want to go there. But the same video is on YouTube, so here it is:

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