An update on how the garden grows:
Tomatoes and eggplant on the side yard. There are TV and cable wires running underground in the middle of this area so I have to avoid it until I get the cables marked:

"Containers" has become the theme. A couple of neighbors have supplied me with additional buckets, in which are tomatoes, peppers, oregano, dill, parsley, etc. Looking forward to seeing how they do:

Jade plant (from Daniel) and aloe starts:

Seed starts -- everything is coming up nicely except the tree seeds from my parents' yard in Alabama. Especially pleased that all the Brandywine heirloom tomato seeds from 2-3 summers ago that I saved have sprouted nicely. Note to Daniel: the Winstrip trays fit PERFECTLY in a wheatgrass-growing tray for soaking and bottoms-up watering. Nice! (I'll bring you one.)

Tomatoes and eggplant on the side yard. There are TV and cable wires running underground in the middle of this area so I have to avoid it until I get the cables marked:
"Containers" has become the theme. A couple of neighbors have supplied me with additional buckets, in which are tomatoes, peppers, oregano, dill, parsley, etc. Looking forward to seeing how they do:
Jade plant (from Daniel) and aloe starts:
Seed starts -- everything is coming up nicely except the tree seeds from my parents' yard in Alabama. Especially pleased that all the Brandywine heirloom tomato seeds from 2-3 summers ago that I saved have sprouted nicely. Note to Daniel: the Winstrip trays fit PERFECTLY in a wheatgrass-growing tray for soaking and bottoms-up watering. Nice! (I'll bring you one.)
Wow, you're getting a lot going. The wheat grass tray looks useful. I am still trying to figure out the best density of soil in the winstrip trays. I think I keep packing them too tight and then it really takes a lot of water pressure to force the water to the roots.
ReplyDeleteDo you wet the soil before putting in the trays? I do, but maybe it packs it too much.
Do you compact the soil say by bumping the tray on the ground to make sure the soil gets all the way to the bottom or do you lightly let it fall as it does into the pockets?
Do you use seed starting soil or do you add anything extra to regular seed starting soil (perlite, sphagnum moss, or anything else)?
Do you have problems with damp off? We have cured it inside by a fan. I thought starts would be safe outside in trays but lost a bunch of seedlings during an extra wet week of rain.
If you have any thoughts about soil consistency and the trays I am all ears. At this point I am getting by but not sure I am filling them in the best way.
Created a mix of some good org. potting soil I have that has come perlite or vermiculite in it (not sure which), some peat moss for keeping it loose, and a few odds 'n ends (fert., calcium, alfalfa, kelp, etc.) Didn't wet it but I very lightly tamped it down from the top of each cell just to make sure all the cells were filled full. I figured better to have it a little too loose than too tight. Haven't seen any signs of damping off. I've kept the tray indoors under the grow light mostly but have been setting it out on the porch during the day to get sun and to let the seedlings be stressed by the wind, bringing it indoors at night. The potting soil I'm using is excellent -- I bought it from a local distributor for Seven Springs Farm in Virginia -- a farmer who also sells amendments and has a distributor south of Charlotte. Comes in 40# bags and is really good stuff -- organic. Then I mixed in the other amendments I mentioned above plus some mushroom compost -- all in small amounts relative to the potting soil. Then have been watering with fish emulsion once daily for nitrogen. Hope that helps.