A small morning pleasure -- found this nice chard leaf . . .

. . . in the chard "forest" this morning . . .

. . . bent over from the night's rain. So I clipped it, took it in, added some shredded broccoli and carrots, lentil sprouts, a sliced mushroom, chunks of polenta, some (oil-free) mustard-base dressing, laid the stalk (crunchy like celery) down the middle (should have clipped some of Priscilla's spinach leaves to add, but forgot), and finished it with some garlic and herbs. Rolled it up burrito/wrap style and ate it for breakfast. Admittedly, not all those ingredients came from my yard or kitchen (sprouts), but they could have. So nice to eat out of the yard:

. . . in the chard "forest" this morning . . .
. . . bent over from the night's rain. So I clipped it, took it in, added some shredded broccoli and carrots, lentil sprouts, a sliced mushroom, chunks of polenta, some (oil-free) mustard-base dressing, laid the stalk (crunchy like celery) down the middle (should have clipped some of Priscilla's spinach leaves to add, but forgot), and finished it with some garlic and herbs. Rolled it up burrito/wrap style and ate it for breakfast. Admittedly, not all those ingredients came from my yard or kitchen (sprouts), but they could have. So nice to eat out of the yard: