TED (stands for Technology, Education, Design) is an annual, invitation-only conference of the best and brightest thinkers in technology, education, and design. I have a DVD of the TED conference from 2006 -- mind-boggling to watch these speakers, using their 18 minutes to tell the other attendees what they are working on. Cash prizes to further that research are awarded to the best.
This was one of the presentations on creativity in children (many more of the 18-minute videos, on a variety of subjects, at the TED website):
This one is a Swedish researcher who uses an amazing presentation of data on child mortality around the world. The audience was blown away by his presentation:
This was one of the presentations on creativity in children (many more of the 18-minute videos, on a variety of subjects, at the TED website):
This one is a Swedish researcher who uses an amazing presentation of data on child mortality around the world. The audience was blown away by his presentation: