An article in the Winter 2006 issue of Small Farmer's Journal discussed rare small fruits that are able to be grown by backyard hobbyists or small farmsteads: like actinidia, pawpaw, gooseberries, shipova, asiminia, black currant, sorbopyrus, lingonberry, hardy kiwifruit, and others.
The following list of nurseries specializing in rare fruits was provided -- good sources to bookmark for future reference:
Back on one of the hottest days of the summer when I was riding my bike far from home, I had a flat tire. My tire had worn through and popped the tube which meant if I replaced the tube with my spare the same thing would happen quickly. So when a young guy stopped to see if I needed a ride into Waxhaw, I jumped at the chance. He dropped me at the local bike shop where I bought a used tire that would get me home.
All that to say -- the young fellow was a handyman type who I hired to bang together the book cases I've needed to build for a couple of years. (I had built and installed six bookcases a couple years ago, and have eight more to finish now.) That was a couple of months ago, and I'm finally getting around to staining them. The cases are stained, but need to flip the shelves tomorrow and stain the other sides, then let everything dry before applying polyurethane finish to everything.
Another picture will come when they're installed -- but glad to have gotten this far:
Okay, it's a little late for a write-in candidate. But maybe the president-elect will put Michael Pollan in the new cabinet as Secretary of Agriculture. Michael Pollan is the well-known food writer (several best-selling books), contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine, and now professor of journalism at the University of California-Berkeley.
As an article in the October 12, 2008, issue of the New York Times Magazine, Pollan wrote an open letter to the president-elect on the state of food and food production in America. It is long—8,000+ words—so it may not fit your schedule to read the entire thing. But if you can squeeze it in it is certainly worth the effort.
In addition to thoroughly explaining how we got to where we are today, and how the increase of factory-farmed food has paralleled the rise in chronic disease in America, he makes a number of specific recommendations to the new president for returning America to a land that cares about food, how it is produced, and the environmental and health benefits that would result. I printed out the article and marked a number of passages I was going to type out in this post, but there were so many I had to abandon that idea.
The article is amazing in scope and in creative solutions to our food (and, by extension, our health) problem. You can read the article at the New York Times Magazinesite (free registration required) or on Michael Pollan's web site.
This woman was honest enough to express what millions are thinking as they vote for Obama: "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car; I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he's going to help me."
It's the "government as savior" argument, plain and simple.
Books to Which I've Contributed as Writer, Editor, or Researcher
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To Ponder . . .
“An agriculture that is whole nourishes the whole person, body and soul. We do not live by bread alone.”Wendell Berry (in the Preface to the new edition of Masanobu Fukuoka’s The One-Straw Revolution)
Why I Like Being a Grandpa
Always Reading The Bible
Currently Reading:
•The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First by Mayk Hyman, M.D.
•Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N. T. Wright
Finished Reading:
•Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism, The Belief System that Enables Us to Eat Some Animals and Not Others by Melanie Joy, PhD
•1066: The Year of the Conquest by David Howarth
•With Wings Like Eagles: A History of the Battle of Britain by Michael Korda
•The Queen of Fats: Why Omega-3s Were Removed from the Western Diet and What We Can Do to Replace Them by Susan Allport
•Country Matters: The Pleasures and Tribulations of Moving from a Big City to an Old Country Farmhouse by Michael Korda
Over Time: My Life as a Sportswriter by Frank Deford
The Omega-3 Connection by Andrew L. Stoll, M.D.
The Instinct to Heal: Curing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD
Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin
The Last Goodbye: On Life, Death, Healing, & Cancer by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD
Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters by N. T. Wright
Will Power: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
Turn Here Sweet Corn: Organic Farming Worksby Atina Diffley
Encore Provence: New Adventures in the South of France by Peter Mayle
French Lessons: Adventures with Knife, Fork, and Corkscrew by Peter Mayle
Fasting Can Save Your Life by Herbert Shelton
The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen
Toujours Provence by Peter Mayle
Provence A-Z by Peter Mayle
Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure? The Story of Ketones by Mary Newport, M.D.
A Good Year by Peter Mayle
A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle
Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir by Carolyn Weber
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Bartlett
The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn't Telling You by James L. Marcum, MD
The Pleasure Trap by Douglas Lisle and Alan Goldhamer
A Year in the Village of Eternity: The Lifestyle of Longevity in Campodimele, Italy by Tracey Lawson
At Ease: Stories I Tell Friends by Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Pleasure Trap by Douglas Lisle and Alan Goldhamer
Fasting and Eating for Health by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Beautiful Outlaw—Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus by John Eldredge
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
The Rice Diet Solution by Kitty Rosati and Robert Rosati, M.D.
Fyodor Dostoevsky by Peter Leithart
Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin
The Pritikin Edge: 10 Essential Ingredients for a Long and Delicious Life by Robert A. Vogel and Paul T. Lehr
Raising the Dead: A Doctor Encounters the Miraculous by Chauncey W. Crandall IV, M.D.
The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
Three books by Seth Godin:
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
Small Is the New Big
Poke the Box
Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-based Diet by Jack Norris and Virginia Messina.
Getting it Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious About Serious Books by William Germano
Old Southern Apples: A Comprehensive History and Description of Varieties for Collectors, Growers, adn Fruit Enthusiasts (rev. and expanded) by Creighton Lee Calhoun, Jr.
The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction by Alan Jacobs
Chasing Francis: A Novel by Ian Morgan Cron
George MacDonald: Images of His World by Rolland Hein and Larry E. Fink
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand
Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me: A Memoir of Sorts by Ian Morgan Cron
The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis
Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World by Kathy Freston
21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart: Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and Dramatically Improve Your Health by Neal D. Barnard
The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle by Steven Pressfield
A Pig in Provence: Good Food and Simple Pleasures in the South of France by Georgeanne Brennan
Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott
Jazz Notes: Improvisations on Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life by Donald Miller
Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived by Rob Bell
Unconditional Good News: Toward an Understanding of Biblical Universalism by Neal Punt
Comrades: Brothers, Fathers, Heroes, Sons, Pals by Stephen E. Ambrose
Guitar Lessons: A Life's Journey Turning Passion into Business by Bob Taylor
To America: Personal Reflections of an Historian by Stephen Ambrose
The Rural Life by Verlyn Klinkenborg
Making Hay by Verlyn Klinkenborg
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt
The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family by Jim Minick
The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love by Kristin Kimball
We Took to the Woods by Louise Dickinson Rich
The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
An American Childhood by Annie Dillard
My Reading Life by Pat Conroy
The Town that Food Saved by Ben Hewitt
The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat Who Fixed It by Geneen Roth
Women Food and God by Geneen Roth
Edible: A Celebration of Local Foods by Tracey Ryder and Carole Topalian
The Man Who Listens to Horses: The Story of a Real Life Horse Whisperer by Monty Roberts
The Jungle Effect: A Doctor Discovers the Healthiest Diets from Around the Word—Why They Work and How to Bring Them Home by Daphne Miller, M.D.
A Sand County Almanac—and Sketches Here and There by Aldo Leopold
Made for Each Other—The Biology of the Human-Animal Bond by Meg Daley Olmert
Thrive—The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life by Brendan Brazier
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw by Mark Reinfeld, Bo Rinaldi, and Jennifer Murray
The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen The Extended Circle—A Commonplace Book of Animal Rights edited by Jon Wynne-Tyson
Bringing It to the Table by Wendell Berry
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
One Writer's Beginnings by Eudora Welty
Strangers in the Valley—The Story of Malabar in Brazil by Ellen Bromfield Geld
Continuing the Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing
This Organic Life by Joan Dye Gussow
Slow Money by Woody Tasch
Vegan—The New Ethics of Eating (rev. ed.) by Erik Marcus
The Healthy Hunzas by J. I. Rodale
Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy
Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today by Karen Iacobbo and Michael Iacobbo
Out of the Earth by Louis Bromfield
From My Experience by Louis Bromfield
The Farm by Louis Bromfield
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
The Heritage by Ellen Bromfield Geld
Loving and Leaving the Good Life by Helen Nearing
No More Bull! by Howard Lyman
Organic, Inc. by Samuel Fromartz
Food Matters by Mark Bittman
The Winter Harvest Handbook by Eliot Coleman Foods to Fight Cancer by Richard Beliveau and Denis Gingras The Face on Your Plate by Jeffrey Masson The Pig Who Sang to the Moon by Jeffrey Masson When Elephants Weepby Jeffrey Masson Dogs Never Lie About Love by Jeffrey Masson Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin Pleasant Valley by Louis Bromfield Malabar Farm by Louis Bromfield Farm Sanctuary by Gene Baur Eat for Health, Vol. 1, 2 by Joel Fuhrman
Hopefully Reading:
The books of Andrew Linzey, the foremost author of works on animal welfare (and thus a vegan lifestyle) from a Christian/biblical perspective (as author, editor, or co-author/editor):
•Christianity and the Rights of Animals
•Creatures of the Same God—Explorations in Animal Theology
•Animal Gospel
•Animals on the Agenda
•After Noah—Animals and the Liberation of Theology
•Animal Theology
•Animal Rights—A Historical Anthology
•Animals and Christianity—A Book of Readings
•Why Animal Suffering Matters—Philosophy, Theology, and Practical Ethics
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