I recently wrote about 3,500 words describing books I thought were needed in the Christian publishing world dealing with a biblical perspective on diet, health, animals, etc. Feeding those words into the interface at wordle.com produced the following graphic representation of what I wrote using the 350 most-used words. The more frequently a word occurs, the larger it appears in the graphic. It's easy to see what I felt needed to be emphasized in the books I was proposing. (The publisher wasn't impressed, turning down my ideas. If they had seen this cool graphic I bet they would have said, "YES!" jk)

Here's another representation of the 500 most-used words -- different font and colors:

Wordle will also pull words off a blog or website, but the results from my blog were less impressive since there's such a random collection of words.
Here's another representation of the 500 most-used words -- different font and colors:
Wordle will also pull words off a blog or website, but the results from my blog were less impressive since there's such a random collection of words.
Wm...That is so-o-o cool...re-submit to the publisher! :o) Blessings, P.