My friend, Barry St. Clair, from years past in Atlanta, was through Charlotte last week. I met up with him and his associate, Strib Stribling, at EarthFare, and then brought them back to my house where they camped for the night. Barry is founder and head of Reach Out Youth Solutions, a far-flung international ministry to young people and the Christian leaders who minister to them. Barry also founded and pastored a church in Altanta which we attended for a few years (and, in his spare time, has cranked out 20-odd books for young people, their parents, and youth leaders). I haven't seen Barry for 15 (?) years, but have stayed connected with his ministry. Was great to reconnect for a brief visit.
Strib (l.) and Barry (r.):

Old pals:

Strib (l.) and Barry (r.):
Old pals:
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