Planted nine blueberry bushes along the back edge of the backyard this afternoon. Got them from a lady who sells at the Matthews Farmers Market and sells transplants of berry bushes, tomatoes, etc. She grows organically and the bushes look really health. The nine consist of three "early" fruiting (Star Highbush [2] and O'Neal Highbush), three mid-season fruiting (Legacy Highbush [2] and Brightnell Rabbit), and three late fruiting (Powderblue Rabbit Eye [2] and Tifblue Rabbit Eye).
I put them in a line three feet in from the fence. Perhaps should have put them 4-5 feet, but I'm starting to contemplate putting garden beds back in the backyard again so didn't want to encroach too far into the yard:

A few of the bushes:

I put them in a line three feet in from the fence. Perhaps should have put them 4-5 feet, but I'm starting to contemplate putting garden beds back in the backyard again so didn't want to encroach too far into the yard:
A few of the bushes:
Hey hey! Those will be great. I am jealous. Good thinking on staggering the harvest. That means there should always be blueberries when we visit!
The lady I bought them from said they would probably bear a few berries even next year. So 5-10 berries each x nine plants = 45-90 berries. Enough for a few smoothies!