I often mention the value of the monthly (free, email) newsletter -- The McDougall Newsletter -- published by Dr. John McDougall, one of the first modern M.D.'s to crusade for a plant-based lifestyle as a foundation for good health and disease prevention. Anyone who is interested in health and a vegan lifestyle who doesn't subscribe to this newsletter is missing the opportunity for a consistently informative and challenging read -- not to mention Mary McDougall's monthly recipes (which I print out and save).
This month, Dr. McDougall's lead article is on "fat vegans" -- vegans who load up their diet with processed soy "foods" and oil products (like Earth Balance) instead of with the complex carbohydrates that the plant-world offers. He describes his own introduction to the vegan lifestyle in 1977 -- always interesting to read the stories of the "founding fathers" in any discipline.
This month's newsletter (main article and recipes) is here, and you can subscribe to the newsletter in the left column of the home page, here.
This month, Dr. McDougall's lead article is on "fat vegans" -- vegans who load up their diet with processed soy "foods" and oil products (like Earth Balance) instead of with the complex carbohydrates that the plant-world offers. He describes his own introduction to the vegan lifestyle in 1977 -- always interesting to read the stories of the "founding fathers" in any discipline.
This month's newsletter (main article and recipes) is here, and you can subscribe to the newsletter in the left column of the home page, here.